Monday, February 13, 2012

February 13th, 2012

Good Morning,

It has been awhile since I've filled you in on what is going on in the 4th grade classroom. We are busy learning about South Dakota. We have begun our South Dakota Road Trip, we are researching our Famous South Dakotan, we have glanced at our South Dakota Books from Santel, and we have begun our South Dakota Map Project. The students continue to work hard learning new math strategies and techniques and becoming more familiar with long division and more challenging multiplication problems. We just finished reading the book "Shiloh" in class and the students got to see the movie. They realized there are sometimes many differences between a movie and a book. This is our last unit before review week and we have focused much of our grammar on Pronouns. See if they can recite any for you off hand!! We will be celebrating Valentine's Day tomorrow with a little party that should be lots of fun. The students continue to create different thoughtful gifts to send over to the Prairie View Care Center which they enjoy very much. We will continue to work on our South Dakota projects and can't wait to share our Famous South Dakotan information with you!! I look forward to visiting with you at Parent-Teacher Conferences and hope all is well! Thank you for all the extra work at home!!

Ms. Knudson